This blog is all about a community livelihood project by 5 NGOs in Ormoc City with TCF Western Australia as partner.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Carol visits the livelihood centers
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Belmont Business Women’s Club President Carol Hanlon to Attend Prestigious United Nations Event in New York
Ms Carol Hanlon, President of Belmont Business Professional Women (Belmont BPW) will be representing local women at the upcoming fifty-fourth session of the United Nations – Commission on the Status of Women to be held from the 1st to the 12th of March 2010 in New York.
The Commission on the Status of Women will undertake a fifteen-year review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly.
Emphasis will be placed on the sharing of experiences and good practices, with a view to overcoming remaining obstacles and new challenges, including those related to the Millennium Development Goals, Member States representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGO’s) and of United Nations entities that will participate in the session.
Ms Hanlon will have the opportunity to attend a series of parallel events which will provide additional opportunities or information exchange and networking.
Carol said, “I am proud to be representing Belmont BPW, which is such an honour. BPW is one of the 5 member groups in the world that has advisory input into the United Nations Status of Women which provides a voice not only for Australian women, but for the women in over 90 countries in the world where BPW is located”.
BPW Belmont was chartered in March 2006, meets monthly for networking, and bi-monthly for a casual dinner, guest speaker or other activity. BPW Membership is open to women who would like to share their skills, talents and fellowship for the benefit of women, their community, locally, nationally and internationally.
Belmont BPW co-ordinates an extensive list of innovative and creative programs and projects for the benefit of its members and those it seeks to support that include networking events, mentoring, youth projects, micro enterprise, scholarships and the celebration of women around the globe.
Whilst in
For further information on
President: Carol Hanlon E:
BH: 94793777 M: 0417 963231
Monday, February 8, 2010
TCF Ormoc was commenced in 2007 by the Textile, Clothing and Footwear Resource Centre of WA (TCFWA) with support from Business and Professional Women’s Clubs of Belmont & Western Australia (BPW) and the Matilda Bay Rotary Club. The project was established in a partnership with local Ormoc community organisations led by Pagtinabangay Foundation.
TCF Global community sewing project aimed to assist women to start a small sewing business in Ormoc and the project provided the necessary sewing machines and raw materials to the locals to assist develop their creativity and produce evening wear, children's wear, uniforms, and home wares.
The Textile, Clothing and Footwear Resource Centre of WA (
The project has recently grown from 21 community sewing centres to 25, and 8 more are expected to commence shortly. It is expected that more than 250 Ormoc men and women will now be a part of this project also. The Ormoc project is has now moved under the umbrella of Ormoc Community Credit Co-operative (OCCCI) and there are plans to establish a retail TCF Ormoc showcase at the market centre. The community organisation is also planning to start a Business Enterprise Centre (BEC) type support centre to assist the micro small business operators.
Belmont BEC is providing a mentor role to assist OCCCI BEC develop under its BEC Global program to develop a business centre for the region and for the benefit of micro enterprise in the Ormoc region including the TCF Ormoc participants.
For more history and information on the project please view
TCF WA Contact:
Carol Hanlon
TCF Resource Centre of WA (TCFWA)
TCF Global
Designedge Fashion Incubator
Ph: (08) 94793777 Mob: 0417 963 231
Textile Clothing Footwear Resource Centre of Western Australia Inc. (TCFWA)