Thursday, April 11, 2013

TCF EVSU Sewing Training

Started by Carol Hanlon of Textile Clothing Footwear Western Australia (TCFWA), TCF Ormoc organized itself.  It started after the first donation of used sewing machines, clothing materials and many more arrived in Ormoc with the profound support of Dr. Gregorio Yrastorza, Jr and his late wife, Ma'am Glenda and the couple Rhay and Mel Rom.  

Fast-forward to 2013, after two more batches of 20-foot container vans of donations from Textile Clothing Footwear Western Australia (TCFWA) led by the ever-energetic Carol Hanlon, a training program on Sewing opened at the Eastern Visayas State University Ormoc Campus (EVSU Ormoc).  This new partner of TCF Ormoc enrolled under its Extension Services Unit, 11 mothers in November 18, 2012.  Their ages range from 50 years old and 27.

A Geodetic Engineer by profession and retired from her line of work, Elizabeth Sales - Justol, widow, fancied sewing, learned it and actually, is doing it.  As a part-time instructor in the Education Department of EVSU Ormoc, she also handles the sewing training for TCF-EVSU Ormoc. 

The following photos are the trainees present when the photos were taken.  This is the room used for this training.:


The training starts with teaching the trainees on measurement, pattern-making, cutting and of course sewing.  At the end of their training period of 54 hours (Every Sunday for 6 months) they shall have finished one blouse and skirt, one short pants, one long pants and one evening or formal wear.

These mothers were motivated to enroll at the EVSU because they said they want to learn and by so doing, shall be able to augment their family income while at home, watching their small kids.

The trainees are paying one thousand pesos (P1,000.00) for the whole training until they "graduate" after six months.  Seventy (70%) of the tuition goes to the Trainer as her professional fee and 30% goes to the school to be plowed back as training funds.  

This semester's EVSU Ormoc graduation academic gowns were already done by these trainees.  They were also paid for it.  They're now earning while attending the training.

These academic gowns worn by these graduates of EVSU Ormoc  were produced by the  TCF-EVSU Ormoc Sewing Trainees.  (photo grabbed from Lourica Tumulak's Facebook photos)

More are waiting to enroll at the TCF-EVSU Ormoc sewing training.  Despite the lack of resources, facilities and sewing training accessories, TCF-EVSU Ormoc will continue doing this as its service to the community. This because TCF-EVSU Ormoc has the staunch support of Dr. Lilian D. Estorninos, the Campus Director. Also, all these wouldn't have happened without the committed support of the Extension Services Unit Head Mrs. Beatrice D. Mabitad.

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