Thursday, June 12, 2008

Michael Francis "Dodong" Alvarado took the Acceleration and Equivalency Test given by the Department of Education yesterday.

For 1 whole day Dodong hurdled the test answering 300 questions within 3 hours.

Let's all pray Dodong will pass because passing the test will enable him to jump from 2nd year High School to College. And when he does, prepare your gifts to him. It's gonna be a biiiig celebration for Ormoc Samoka Oy! Clan (OSOC), Active, Genuine, Youth Leaders Association (AGYLA) and TCFOC, bah!

We should all be ready to wish him good luck. He is one of our youth volunteer CLC monitors. He is assigned to only 2 CLCs within the city because he is only 17 years old. Not to worry, he has a parent's permit to do volunteer work submitted by his mother to TCFOC.

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